Should you Buy or Lease IPv4 Addresses?

In the world of internet protocol (IP) addresses, IPv4 addresses have been the standard for decades. However, the exhaustion of the IPv4 address space has led to a rise in demand for IPv4 addresses, which has led to the question: should you buy or lease IPv4 addresses? In this blog post, we'll explore the pros and cons of buying and the same for what you get when you lease IPv4 addresses. We’ll also tell you why it is a good option to lease IPv4 addresses from a Lease IPv4 provider.

IPv4 Addresses: A Brief Overview

IPv4 addresses are a set of numbers that identify devices on the internet. The address space is limited to just over four billion unique addresses, which has been a significant limiting factor for the growth of the internet. IPv4 addresses are still widely used today, even though their supply is limited.

Read More: Choosing a Reliable Provider to Lease IPv4 address: Factors to Consider

Buying IPv4 Addresses

Buying IPv4 addresses is a straightforward process. It involves purchasing a block of IPv4 addresses from a broker or another organization that owns unused IPv4 addresses.

Pros of Buying IPv4 Addresses:

  • Ownership: When you buy IPv4 addresses, you become the owner of the address block, and you can use them for as long as you need them.

  • Price Stability: IPv4 address prices have been relatively stable in recent years, making it easier to plan and budget for their acquisition.

  • Predictable Costs: When you buy IPv4 addresses, you know exactly how much you're paying for them upfront, and there are no recurring fees or expenses.

Cons of Buying IPv4 Addresses:

  • High Upfront Costs: Buying IPv4 addresses requires a significant upfront investment, which can be a barrier for some organizations.

  • Maintenance: As an owner, you're responsible for maintaining the address block and ensuring that it's being used effectively.

  • Limited Supply: The supply of IPv4 addresses is limited, which can make it challenging to acquire the number of addresses needed for some organizations.

Lease IPv4 Addresses

Leasing IPv4 addresses is a newer option that allows organizations to use IPv4 addresses without owning them. Leasing typically involves paying a recurring fee to an IPv4 address holder who retains ownership of the address block.

Lease IPv4 Addresses: The Pros

  • Lower Upfront Costs: When you lease an IP address, it requires a smaller upfront investment than buying, which makes it more accessible to some organizations.

  • Flexibility: Leasing allows organizations to adjust the number of IPv4 addresses they need as their requirements change, which can be beneficial for startups and businesses experiencing rapid growth.

  • No Maintenance: As a lessee, you're not responsible for maintaining the address block, which can be a significant advantage for organizations without dedicated IT staff.

Lease IPv4 Addresses: The Cons

  • No Ownership: When you lease IPv4 addresses, you don't own the address block, and you may have to relinquish the addresses if the lease agreement ends.

  • Less Control: As a lessee, you're subject to the terms of the lease agreement, which may limit your ability to use the addresses in certain ways.

  • Recurring Costs: Leasing IPv4 addresses involves recurring costs, which can add up over time.

Why it is a good idea to Lease IPv4 Addresses

As the number of devices and internet users continues to grow, the demand for IP addresses has increased significantly. IPv4 addresses, which are the most widely used addresses, have become increasingly scarce. This scarcity has led to a rise in the cost of IPv4 addresses, making it difficult for businesses to acquire the number of addresses they need. In this context, leasing IPv4 addresses has become a popular option. Here are some reasons why it can be a good idea to lease IPv4 addresses:

  • Cost-Effective:

Leasing IPv4 addresses can be a cost-effective solution for businesses that need IP addresses but do not have the financial resources to purchase them outright. When leasing IPv4 addresses, businesses pay only for the duration of the lease, and the cost is usually lower than purchasing the same number of IP addresses.

  • Scalability:

Leasing IPv4 addresses allows businesses to scale up or down their IP address used as their needs change. This is particularly beneficial for businesses that experience fluctuations in their IP address needs, as they can adjust their leasing agreements accordingly.

  • No Long-Term Commitments:

Leasing IPv4 addresses eliminates the need for businesses to make long-term commitments. Leasing agreements can be structured for a few months, a year, or longer, depending on the business's needs. This allows businesses to be more agile and responsive to changing market conditions.

  • Reduced Administrative Burden:

Leasing IPv4 addresses eliminates the administrative burden associated with IP address management. When a business leases IP addresses, the lessor is responsible for managing the IP addresses, including registering them and ensuring they are in compliance with regulatory requirements.

  • Access to Expertise:

When leasing IPv4 addresses, businesses can gain access to the expertise and knowledge of the lessor. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses that are new to IP address management or that lack in-house expertise in this area. The lessor can provide guidance and support in IP address management, helping businesses to optimize their IP address usage.

  • Mitigates Risk:

Leasing IPv4 addresses can help mitigate the risk associated with owning IP addresses. As IP addresses are an asset that can appreciate or depreciate in value, leasing can help businesses avoid the risks associated with investing in an asset that may lose value over time.


The decision to buy or lease IPv4 addresses depends on your organization's needs, budget, and long-term goals. Buying IPv4 addresses provides ownership, price stability, and predictable costs but requires a significant upfront investment and maintenance. Leasing IPv4 addresses offers lower upfront costs, flexibility, and no maintenance but no ownership, less control, and recurring costs.

Ultimately, the choice between buying and leasing IPv4 addresses will depend on your organization's specific circumstances. It's essential to evaluate your organization's requirements carefully, conduct due diligence on the provider, and consider the long-term implications of each option before making a decision.


What is the difference between buying and leasing IPv4 addresses?

Buying IPv4 addresses involves purchasing them outright, and owning them permanently. Leasing IPv4 addresses involves renting them for a set period of time, usually for a fee.

How do I know whether to buy or lease IPv4 addresses?

The decision to buy or lease IPv4 addresses should be based on a careful analysis of your business's needs, budget, and risk tolerance. Consulting with legal and financial professionals can help you make an informed decision.

How can I ensure that the IPv4 addresses I buy or lease are legitimate and not subject to fraud?

To ensure that the IPv4 addresses you buy or lease is legitimate, it's important to work with reputable brokers or lessors, conduct due diligence on the seller or lessor, and verify that the IP addresses are not subject to any legal disputes or conflicts. Consulting with legal and financial professionals can also help you avoid fraudulent transactions. You can visit PMTA Setup if you are looking for a reliable IPv4 Lease Provider.


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